Book a Session


Book a one-to-one virtual session with Todd, set up a chat to book a consultation with your organization, or request Todd to serve at your family milestone event.

Initial Session: 50% Off

Schedule your first individual or couple's 50-minute coaching session with Todd Leonard and receive half off the standard fee of $ 100.00 this session and your second one.

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Regular Session

Book a regular individual or couple's coaching session at the set fee of $ 100.00 with Todd.

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Group Consultationu

Todd works with faith-based and nonprofit organizations to help their teams develop greater empathy, emotional intelligence, diversity and inclusion. Email Todd to learn more how he can support your goals toward creating a healthier, more holistic organization.

Email Todd


Todd is an ordained and credentialed minister. He is available to help celebrate or commemorate important life events with you and your family. To request his services for weddings, baby/child dedications, or funerals, email him here.

Email Todd Book Todd
  • Sands of Time

    Stark beauty of desolate dunes
  • Beyond Boundaries

    Visual odyssey across continents
  • Nature's Symphony

    Breathtaking colors of our planet
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